10 Online Lessons
Our education team crafted these 10 educational lessons built around specific themes - each lesson includes videos, interactive activities, downloadable worksheets and more.
- While not age specific - certain lessons are aimed at younger or older age groups.
- If you would like a list of content ordered by age group - visit our Online Content Library.
Have you ever wondered how a rainbow is formed? Have you ever wondered about telling time using the sun? Have you ever thought about using the sun to help you make your lunch?
Join our Camp Cooper educator Ryan Biggs (aka Quail) as he leads activities on shadows, prisms and even how to build a solar oven at home!
Have you ever wondered how plants in the desert hold onto water through our hot summers? You'll be amazed at all the ways! Our desert animal neighbors leave evidence of their existence almost everywhere, if you know what to look for. Desert detectives!
Come with us on a journey to explore the plants and animals of the Sonoran desert, here at Camp Cooper Online.
The Sonoran desert is home to nearly 300 species of cacti - some, like the mighty Saguaro, are found nowhere else in the world. These unique plants are adapted to live in a climate that is dry and hot, and their ability to reproduce is key to their survival. Join our educators Herb and Butterfly as they review the life cycles of four common cacti: the Saguaro, Barrel, Cholla and Prickly Pear.
Come with us as we explore rocks - from how they look, feel and smell, to how they transform deep within the earth. Three original videos (plus one from our friends) and 4 original worksheets.
Birds are all around us. In the trees, in the sky, nesting outside our windows or pecking around at the park (or in the parking lot!). Tucson is a unique place to find a wide variety of birds - it's actually a destination for people who love birds and call themselves birdwatchers! Backyard birders! Come with us on a journey to explore the birds of the Sonoran desert, here at Camp Cooper Online.
What is the difference between weather and climate? What are greenhouse gasses? What is global warming? Tucson's rainy monsoons are just around the corner - learn how you can make your very own rain gauge out of common household materials! Join Camp Cooper educators Cliff & Quail in exploring these and other questions as we become 'weather wise'.
There are over 2000 unique plant species in the Sonoran Desert. Learn how to tell plants apart from plant 'posers' - organisms that look like plants but in fact are not! Join Camp Cooper educator Herb as they share with us what makes a plants unique. Come with us and get your degree in Basic Botany!
Arthropods are the most prevalent creature on the planet, and yet we rarely stop to really get to know them. What does the word arthropod even mean? How do I identify an arthropod? Cliff answers these questions an many more in the latest installment of Camp Cooper Online!
Have you ever been out in the desert and thought you were all alone, when suddenly you look closer and there's all these creatures around you? The animal world is full of trickery and concealment. Often to hide from predators or sneak up on prey, animals have to camouflage. This week we are trying something new! This week we present a singular interactive experience with audio files (to assist early readers), animated gifs, Q & A and more.
While we love science and ecology and learning about our environment, as living creatures we also really just love nature! Poetry is one way that we can feel and express our feelings about the natural world. Learn about poetry forms in two related videos from our resident desert poet, Herb!