Arranging Transportation to Cooper

If you are using a school bus:

  • Submit a written request to your school's transportation department as soon as possible. Check with your school’s office manager for scheduling requirements (for example, TUSD Transportation typically wants buses scheduled at least 6 weeks in advance of your trip). The form asks for an address. The street address is 5403 West Trails End Rd, Tucson, AZ 85745. This is NOT a mailing address.
  • Remember that bus drivers are bound by their schedules, so check with your school/district’s transportation office before your trip and again with your bus driver on the day of the trip for an estimated pick up time at Cooper and drop-off time back at school. 
  • Bring additional vehicles to transport supplies and to have a vehicle available in case of emergency or trips to town for forgotten items.

If you are using private transportation:

  • Parking is limited so please fill every vehicle to capacity (carpool).
  • Be sure the drivers know the way to Cooper (Driving Directions). The first gate (on the left) you pass is the exit and the gate just west of that is the entrance. There is a “Cooper Center” street sign on the right side of the street right before the entrance.
  • Emphasize arrival at the site at about the same time. We have a smoother start to the program if there are no long time gaps between arriving cars.


  • Schedule your drivers/bus to pick you up at school about 9am.
  • The bus no longer goes through the Center but unloads at the parking lot.
  • Cars with kitchen and heavy supplies may unload down into the Center but must park back up in the Parking lot by the road after unloading. All other cars will stay in the parking lot.
  • Handicapped parking is available in the main camp, near the bathroom building.  Please contact the Cooper Center staff at least 1-2 weeks before your trip if students or adults with physical disabilities are participating in the experience as we will need to make accommodations to meet the needs of these individuals.
  • Please do not arrive before 10:00am unless previously arranged with the Cooper Center Staff. There may be another group that is still at the Center if you come too early.


  • Half-Day groups: The bus/cars will depart from Cooper Center between 12:30 pm and 1:00 pm.  If using a school bus, request departure at 1pm unless you have made arrangements with Cooper Center staff in advance to extend the trip.
  • Full-Day groups: The bus/cars will depart from Cooper Center between 4:00 pm and 5:00 pm.  If using a school bus, request departure at 4:30pm unless you have made arrangements with Cooper Center staff in advance to extend the trip.
  • Overnight groups: The bus/cars will depart from Cooper Center about 9:30 am the following day. Be ready to leave promptly to make way for the next field trip group.
  • Multi-Day groups: The bus/cars will depart about 1:00 pm on the thrid day of the trip.